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How to Get Citizenship in Switzerland

How to Get Citizenship in Switzerland

In this guide, our Swiss immigration lawyers offer you detailed information about the possible citizenship routes. If you are interested, the services of our lawyers are at your disposal. They can answer your questions regarding how to get citizenship in Switzerland.

 Quick Facts  
 Swiss citizenship Swiss citizenship is highly valued, granting individuals the right to live, work, and participate fully in Swiss society. 

 Citizenship by descent

Individuals with at least one Swiss parent are eligible for Swiss citizenship by descent, regardless of their place of birth.

 Residence period

 Foreigners must have lived in Switzerland for at least 10 years before applying for Swiss citizenship.

 Language proficiency  Applicants need to demonstrate language proficiency in the local Swiss language of their canton (usually German, French, etc.)
Naturalization requirements

Foreigners can apply for Swiss citizenship through naturalization, if they have Settlement C permit.

 No dual citizenship restriction

Switzerland generally allows dual citizenship, so citizens may maintain their original nationality alongside Swiss citizenship. 

 Swiss political system

 Swiss citizens have the right to vote in referendums and elections, actively participating in the country’s political process.

 Cantonal and communal citizenship

Switzerland has a decentralized system, with cantonal and communal citizenships in addition to Swiss federal citizenship. 

Swiss passport 

 Swiss citizens hold one of the most powerful passports globally, granting visa-free access to 116 countries.

 Swiss abroad Swiss citizenship can also be acquired by Swiss citizens born abroad or through marriage to a Swiss citizen. 
 Military service

 Swiss men aged 18 to 34 are subject to compulsory military service, while women have the option to serve in the military.

 Swiss education system

Switzerland boasts an excellent education system, providing high-quality education from primary to tertiary levels. 

 Direct democracy

Switzerland is known for its direct democracy, where citizens can propose and vote on laws through referendums. 

 Swiss citizenship ceremony

The process of acquiring citizenship in Switzerland often includes a ceremony, symbolizing integration and acceptance. 

 Cultural integration    Integration into Swiss culture and society is assessed, including knowledge of Swiss customs, traditions, and values.

Different routes to Swiss citizenship in 2025

Getting citizenship in Switzerland is not an easy task. You will be required to meet a set of requirements that might be complex for a layperson to understand. So, if you are planning to immigrate to Switzerland and apply for citizenship there, our lawyers can assist you. They can walk you through the possible options of acquiring Swiss citizenship. With our legal assistance, you can also understand the application procedure, the details about the language test, and all the costs involved. Below our lawyers have provided a general guide towards four different ways of acquiring citizenship in Switzerland.

  1. Naturalization through the regular procedure: This is the most common way to get citizenship in Switzerland. It implies passing certain stages related to living, language, and integration, as well as other requirements. For instance:
  • Residence requirement: Typically, you need to have lived in Switzerland for almost 12 years, which can vary depending on your canton of residence and other factors. If you have lived in your canton for a specified time, our lawyers can help you apply for citizenship in this country;
  • Language proficiency: You need to have good spoken and writing levels in at least one of the official languages of the canton you are residing in. This usually involves passing language tests. Romansh, German, French, and, Italian are the official Swiss languages;
  • Integration and assimilation: You should have integrated into Swiss society, adhered to Swiss customs, and demonstrated a willingness to contribute positively to the community;
  • Criminal record check: You must have a clean criminal record and demonstrate good behavior;
  • Financial stability: You should be financially self-sufficient and not reliant on social assistance;
  • Application and approval: You should submit your application to the local authorities in your canton. These must approve the application, followed by its forwarding to the national immigration bodies.
  • Federal approval: The State Secretariat for Migration (SEM) reviews your application at the federal level. Once approved, you will be required to attend a naturalization ceremony to take an oath of allegiance to Switzerland.

If you consider yourself eligible to apply for Swiss citizenship by naturalization in 2025, our attorneys can help you file an application.

2. Facilitated naturalization for third-generation immigrants

This process is designed for foreign nationals whose grandparents were Swiss citizens. The purpose of this citizenship route is to recognize the historical ties of individuals to Switzerland. Applicants must possess a C permit in Switzerland and complete a minimum of 5 years of schooling within the national education system. These last two conditions also extend to at least one of the parents. Besides, the parents should have resided in the country for a minimum of 10 years. It is crucial for at least one of the grandparents to either be native or have held a C permit in Swiss for a designated period.

If you have any further questions about how to get citizenship in Switzerland through facilitated naturalization, our lawyers can assist you.

3. Citizenship in Switzerland by marriage 

Marrying a Swiss citizen does not grant you immediate citizenship. But still citizenship by marriage is a speedy process than becoming a Swiss citizen by way of naturalization. To achieve Swiss citizenship by marriage, you need to be married to a Swiss person and to have lived in Switzerland for a specified time. So, if you and your partner are seeking citizenship as a couple, both of you must fill the 10-year residency requirement.

4. Acquisition of Swiss citizenship through adoption

You can get Swiss citizenship through adoption, but specific conditions must be met. The adoptee must be a kid (under 18 years of age) at the time of adoption, and the adoption agency should grant the child the same legal status as a biographical child of adoptive parents.

If these things are not met, the adopted person won’t necessarily gain Swiss citizenship. Additionally, he/she might not be eligible for simplified naturalization. It is necessary for adoptive parents to understand and follow these requirements to ensure the process is legally valid.

If you are eligible to apply for citizenship in Switzerland through adoption, the services of our attorneys are at your disposal. Here is our infographic on this topic:

Swiss citizenship acquisition for children

Children can obtain Swiss citizenship automatically under specific circumstances. When the parents of the child are married legally or they live in Switzerland and one of the parents is a Swiss citizen, then the child gets citizenship as a birthright. Similarly, if the child’s parents are not married and the mother is a Swiss citizen, the child still gets citizenship at birth. In instances where parents are unmarried and only the father is a Swiss citizen, the father must first recognize the child as his own. After this recognition, the father may begin the Swiss citizenship acquisition process for the child. 

Generally, you must have resided in a Swiss canton for a minimum of 10 years, with this duration reduced by half if you lived there before turning 18. Furthermore, attending school here also enhances the likelihood of obtaining citizenship in Switzerland in 2025.

Processing time for Swiss citizenship applications

The time that is required to complete a Swiss citizenship application could vary depending on where the applicant lives. Rural regions like Jura and Glarus might experience processing time up to two times longer than urban places such as Zurich and Geneva. 

The Swiss citizenship application process usually ranges between 18 and 24 months. If you are planning Swiss immigration and applying for citizenship, the services of our lawyers are available. Here is also a video on this topic:

If you are planning to move to Switzerland and apply for residence our attorneys can assist you. They will not only offer you updated information but also practically help you in acquiring a Swiss residence permit. The Swiss B permit is officially known as the “Resident Permit for Gainful Employments. Our lawyers can provide you with information about its benefits.

Population statistics in Switzerland

With a population of 8,692,161 inhabitants, Switzerland ranks 100th in the world. Zurich is the most populated city in the country, its residents being spread as follows:

  • 1.83 million inhabitants in the metropolitan region;
  • 1.3 million in the most agglomerated area;
  • 434,335 residents in the town of Zurich.

 With 203,951 residents in the city and 504,128 throughout the canton, Geneva is the second most populated Swiss city. It is followed by Basel which has approximately 180,000 residents, making it the third most populated city. Switzerland also has several cities with populations of above 100,000, including Lausanne, Bern, and Winterthur. 26.15% of people reside in rural areas, while 73.85% of people live in towns and urban areas. The urban population of Switzerland is increasing by about 0.78% annually.

So, if you are interested in obtaining Swiss citizenship in 2025, it is crucial to thoroughly research the requirements of your specific canton. You can also contact us for the most updated information before Swiss migration